We are a couple who, like many of you out there, built successful, fulfilling lives, families, and careers. We worked hard and played harder, but we found ourselves at a point asking, “What’s next?”. To be clear, we were not interested in running away from work. To the contrary, we loved our jobs and the challenges that they presented. We found the so called “rat race” to be fun, challenging and it kept us sharp, engaged and on our toes. Eventually though, we knew there would come a day when we would need to think about life after career. We started looking ahead for a new challenge and in our early 40’s and 50’s respectively, we came up with a plan for what we called “The Next Chapter”.

We took a hard look at ourselves, our passions, strengths, and weaknesses and what could keep us engaged and driving forward in self-development that was ultimately fulfilling. Neither of us are the “sit on the sofa with a historical novel” or “play 18 holes in the morning” types nor did we want to embark on another “traditional” career. No, we needed something completely different. Something that could keep two classic Type A personalities engaged, challenged and growing. For some, a career becomes part of their identity and facing the latter years of a traditional career becomes a challenge as one may lose that identity, that motivation to get up in the morning. We needed something that would help us define ourselves in the next chapter of our lives. Taking that hard look in the mirror, we set our plan.

We decided to follow one of those age old adages and make our passions for sailing and travel the foundation for our next chapter. We had met while sailing and over the first few years of our relationship, we had sailed whenever possible, pushing as far afield as a week or two of vacation would allow. What if we made a life on the sea, exploring the world, the basis for our next chapter?

Now, sailing for fun in protected waters is one thing but offshore sailing to distant shores presented us with the challenge of mastering new skills. We had always had a passion for travel and meeting new people in their own settings. Sailing would provide us a cost effective way in which to get there. Finally, it stirred something in us that we had forgotten we could feel. Excitement for something totally new and unique that when one is young is a near constant companion but over the years fades as its dulled by the routine of experience. So, our goal was set, sail the world, find new places, add to our group of friends, and perhaps even rediscover ourselves. This is the story of that journey.


I was born in a small town in Iowa and raised in the Midwest before settling in St. Louis, Missouri after graduation from university. I have always had a love of the water beginning as a child houseboating on the Mississippi with friends of my parents. My first sailing experience was on a 19’ Lighting named “Lightning Bug”, of course. As an adult I then shifted to power boats with a long series of fishing, ski, wake and cruisers. After visiting Vancouver in the late 1990s, I knew the West Coast would one day be my home and in 2005 I moved to British Columbia. The Pacific Northwest reintroduced me to sailing as well as to the woman who would become my co-captain in life, Carla. I am the techy on board, keeping all things electronic going….in between smoking my beloved cigars.


I was born and raised in Saskatchewan where I completed my education before heading out to the West Coast. Spending summers growing up dinghy sailing, I was excited about moving to Vancouver and trying ocean sailing with the dream of living on a boat full time. After many chilly afternoons, I sought the comfort of a sailboat over a dinghy and started to crew on racing boats. Along came my co-captain and the dream turned into reality when we decided to transition to full-time sailors. I am the contortionist and mechanic on board, maneuvering into small spaces to fix plumbing, electrical and other boat issues…. enjoying a little Jack Daniels after the completion of my tasks.


First there was Sam and then we decided our little Devon Rex needed a partner in crime……enter Dean. The hardest decision was naming Sam’s little buddy and it seemed Dean was a natural choice since her parents are fans of the Winchester brothers from the “Supernatural” series. Sam continues to be our boat diva queen and Dean, our easy-going little dude. They are our faithful crew who have adapted to boat life at the dock and at sea. Although they cannot manage the wheel, they have mastered the buttons on the autopilot and are always close to their peeps during watches.
Sam and Dean